Life-and-Death Issues in California’s Prison Hunger Strike

“As people who have suffered under such a brutal, diabolical system, we realize that it is our responsibility to help change the course of violent prison systems that have made their way to our communities... We called for an end to hostilities to eliminate giving prison guards an excuse to kill prisoners.”

California Prisoners Suspend Their Historic Hunger Strike on 60th Day

This peaceful protest was a tremendously courageous effort to overcome the injustice of solitary confinement. The hunger strike is historic on many levels: the number of prisoners who went without food; the international media attention; and the impressive mobilization of groups on the outside who organized demonstrations, and promoted the prisoners' demands.

The Long March to a New Dream of Justice

When we remember the March on Washington, the memory of those brave men and women call to us to muster the courage necessary to continue the struggle for jobs and freedom. Their memory calls us to correct the course of ruinous excesses of the U.S. government and her corporate bosses.

Portrait of an American Who Told the Truth

Robert Shetterly’s compelling portrait of Edward Snowden quotes Snowden’s description of what is at stake: “The public needs to know the kinds of things a government does in its name, or the ‘consent of the governed’ is meaningless. The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed.”

Recyclers Ride the Roller Coaster of Redemption in Oakland

Miss Kay was reminded of how the things she cherishes most are torn from her. Previous loves, old friends, and even her own family had removed themselves from her life. Her years on the street have made her almost invisible — a shadow of a life in transit between this world and the next.

Rev. Phil Lawson: Building the Beloved Community

Rev. Lawson has worked his entire life to ensure that there will be room enough in the beloved community so no one will be left outside to suffer and die in poverty on the streets, no one will be locked out by border walls, and no one will be denied entrance because of racial intolerance or homophobia.

A Homeless Woman Stands Up for Free Speech and Freedom of the Press

Those of us out on the streets, who are fighting for our lives, are at the heart of what this country stands for — the right to be “We the People.” We are the reason this country exists. It was on our backs that the 1% built their empires, with our hard labor, blood, sweat and tears.