Claire J. Baker is a dedicated poet and a self-appointed peace activist.
Street album
May we all keep a photographof the momentsomeone’s eyesmeet our ownand linger—that silvery silence when both acceptour differences and let
Street meditation
We live on this planet wondering who we are beyond our griefs & sorrows, hunger, struggle & war. Our cares
Stay with the caravan
A poem by longtime Street Spirit contributor, Claire Baker.
Anthem for the homeless
We want to work and pay our way—yes we, America’s tempest-tossed.We’re part of and beyond the frayin actions paving our
Let it be
In the changing skiesof circumstancelet us beas flocks of birdsguiding each otherby touching wings.
Worth a Thousand Words
A riveting black & white photo: a homeless man & his dog asleep under freeway overpass. The dog’s head rests on the man’s hand, a guardian in
The Harp of Hope
When we are numbed,shocked clear through by tragedies inour home of homes, may somehow we finda way to keep pluckingthe harp strings
Winter Moon
The moon flowersinto full bloom.We cradle our handsfor mystical light.We have waited yearsfor such a night.Soundlesslysplendor slipsinto cupped handslike a
love remains all after all we go throughtogetheror within our own storyas heaven’s curtain risesjust enoughto offera glimpse of glory.
Phoenix in the Tenderloin
We wish fair flight for anyone rising from hellish ashes there and here.Since we escaped, it’s not surprisingwe wish wide wings
Birds of a Feather (in homage to homeless)
Some sparrows preferdowntown streets to parksor neighborhood yards. They peck at grit trodden byrich & poor, bankers & poets,professors &
Footsteps in the Rain
We’ve hurried pastthe huddled homeless heaped like potato sacks along city sidewalks. We never envisioned a saintor savior might sleep under plastic over
A Migrant Worker’s day Ends
After picking 50 boxesof grapes, hands stung &bleeding, she restsagainst a haystack,inhales in unison with cows. sheep, a curled dog.Nestled in
Coffee Truce
Imagine a truce calledover made-to-order coffee—mean words surrenderingto flags of coffee fragrance,dreamy humidity of steam.Envision conflicts re-placed by slurping sounds,the
Lemon Wedge
She sips gingerlyfrom the cup of“try again,”acknowledgeslife’s lemon wedgebitter-brighton teacup’s rim.She tells us the wedgeis a yellow sailon her spunky