Disclaimer: this is only for entertainment and recreational purposes. The horoscopes listed down below are manifested through my skill of divination, which involves the use of my oracle cards. If these readings resonate with you, that is awesome. If they do not, that is fine as well. It is your journey. It is up to you to create the paths needed to survive this capitalist and colonialist world we all live in, and to be able to thrive in a new world created outside these systems of oppression. Create a world where all of our gifts and skills are embraced.

Illustration of a ram's head with curled horns for the zodiac sign Aires. The picture is framed in a small circle.

Aries (March 21 to April 19): This month is a good time to reflect on your purpose on Mama Earth. Plan for and then follow the path toward your dreams. Work on your own communication skills. Take a moment to breathe, prepare yourself for a fiery climax. In the end, things will cool down and it will be time to move forward. Go with the flow and embrace the motion in the ocean.

Illustration of a bull with horns for the zodiac sign Taurus. He image is framed in a circle.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): There will be shifts in the paradigm you know as your current waking life. So shake it up a little, you’ve got this. The ancestors are by your side. They will provide protection and opportunities on your pathways. Honor your strengths and vulnerabilities. You are resilient and beautiful. Let your vessel drift into the current. Follow your heart, it’s calling you home.

Illustration of two people in profile who are facing each other. This is a symbol for the zodiac sigh Gemini.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21): Be prepared for a dramatic change in your life. This is an era of healing and renewal. Things will be unbalanced for the time being, and might not work out the way you think. But don’t give up hope, keep trying to push through. Things will get worse before they get better. Prepare for a long process, don’t expect anything immediate out of this situation.

Illustration of a crab. This is a symbol for the zodiac sign Cancer.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): Abundance will soon appear in your life. Take the time to learn more about yourself and your strengths. Accept your creativity and don’t feel shame for doing what you need to do to survive. Patience is a virtue. Things will come to fruition soon, but remember—you are the change.

An illustration of a lion. We can only see his head and face because he is in a small circle frame. This is a symbol for the Leo sign, which is the zodiac sign for the first twenty-two days of August.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): There are new beginnings coming your way this month. You’ll feel refreshed and reborn. Look up toward the sky once in a while, revel in its brightness. There will be many obstacles to overcome, some may lead to death of the ego. There will be vulnerabilities that will come up for you personally. Look at the bigger picture of the world, adapt to this newfound environment. Awaken your spirit and be open to its shifts and flows.

Illustration of a "maiden," which traditionally suggested a "virgin." (It's a little dated, yes.) This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Virgo.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): This month is a lesson in learning the difference between nurture and avarice, what is too much and what is too little. Let curiosity guide your Spirit. Your goals and dreams will come true soon enough. This is an era of self-acceptance. Let perfectionism die. Remember, nothing is set in stone. Expect powerful and dramatic changes in your life.

Illustration of two near-evenly weighted scales. This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Libra.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Expand your horizons this month. Open your mind and don’t be set astray by the illusions of the settler colonial project. Get creative and share survival skills with your people. Rest and renewal are needed. Lastly, trust and connection may feel difficult to maintain, times are difficult right now. All we can do is honor each other’s boundaries and needs, including our own.

Illustration of a scorpion, which is the symbol for the zodiac sign for Scorpio.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): This month is an era of death, change, and rebirth. Honor your warrior spirit and charge forward. Communicate with your loved ones. Listen and speak with greater care. The ancestors are here to guide you through the chaos of our scorched earth. Let them be your stewards, let them comfort you in times of need.

Illustration of a centaur who is turning back to aim their bow and arrow at a target (presumably) behind them. This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): This month begins an era of opportunity. It’s all about going with the flow and seeing what’s out there. Everything will come into fruition soon, and many paths will be presented to you. Prioritize your goals and tasks. Make sure you’re making the right decisions for your life this month. Ask yourself, what needs to be released into the Universe right now?

Illustration of a goat with epically long horns and a fish tail. This is the "sea goat," symbol for the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): You are seeking guidance during these trying times. It is important to keep moving forward. Remember that healing your traumas and taking care of yourself is an integral part of the journey. It’s always good to shed old skin and begin anew. Lastly, give reverence to the strength of your heart and dig deeper into the consciousness of the self.

Illustration of water pouring out. This is a translation of the "water bearer," the traditional symbol for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): This is a good month to be more assertive. You shall not be pushed around any longer. You stand for truth and it’s time to rise up! Wake up and open your spirit! Move forward as a fluid motion, you are a force to be reckoned with. Act generously, with intention, and embrace your community.

Illustration of two fish circling each other and swimming in opposite directions. Fish are the symbol for the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): These are exciting and adventurous times for you. Go on road trips with your friends and loved ones—but safely, of course. Find new hobbies to do with your spare time. Energy is key to maintaining this momentum, so always take a moment to rest and regenerate for the next day. Lastly, conquer your fears and insecurities. Explore outside of your comfort zone.

Boudia Crow Lafleur is a diviner and artist of Michif and European ancestry who is based in the East Bay. They use they/them pronouns and don’t identify with the colonial gender binary. Their Sun is at Taurus, their Moon is at Taurus, and their Rising is at Cancer. If you’re interested in getting private divination sessions with them, message them on Instagram: @punkwitchdiviner or Facebook: Punk Witch Diviner.


Art by Simone and Talia Rotman.