Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment and recreational purposes, the horoscopes listed down below are going to be manifested through my skill of divination, which will involve the usage of my oracle cards. If these readings do resonate with you, that is awesome. If they do not, that is fine as well. It is your journey, and it is up to you to create the paths needed to survive this capitalist and colonialist world we all live in, and to be able to thrive in a new world created outside these systems of oppression. Protect our Plant and Tree Relatives! Land Back and May the Earth Heal!
Aries (March 21 to April 19): In a capitalist world of rat races, you need to be clever when navigating through survival mode. Patience is a virtue as this will help you take your pace with grace and honoring the liminal time. This will be a deep moment for you this month as you gain self-awareness about the world you inhabit in. Visualize your dreams and take time to practice meditation. Lastly, new friendships and relationships will be coming through like a storm.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Be ready for anything in life because life is short for our temporary vessels. Be prepared for crisis for when that time comes. Learn more about de-escalation skills. Learn more about boundaries for yourself and with other people. Restore your energy after stressful situations by simply just resting. Honor your body and spirit.
Gemini (May 21 to June 21): This is a time of reflecting on philosophy and ideology of how we navigate through this colonizer world. Have faith in being able to live your dreams. Ask yourself what would a world of decolonization looks like. Adapt to your new surroundings. Reflect with time for yourself and go with the flow. There will be moments where you feel regret or feel stuck. These gloomy moments will pass with time.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22): This month is a time of changes and rebirth. Being confident of who you are will be the way of embracing change. Sure, times will be stressful yet give yourself time. Reflect on your strengths and vulnerabilities because remember you are brave for being in tune with your emotions. Give yourself a chance to grow and move forward.
Leo (July 23 to August 22): This month is a time of healing. Explore yourself and love yourself with gentle touch. Explore being with people that you love and trust with your life. Be with your family and friends. Be where you call home. Surrender yourself with the Divine and ask for its guidance. This is a beginning of balance and looking at the bigger picture. Lastly, things will come into fruition, just remember that.
Virgo (August 23 to September 22): You are getting lost in the fog. There is confusion and uncertainty about life itself. Be gentle and sensual with yourself. You’re doing your best and that’s what matters in life. Release the emotions into the universe. Let Spirit know what you’re feeling. It’s ok to take a break or take a pause on the rambunctious livelihood of chaos that makes you feel overwhelmed. When you are capable of getting out of that stressful environment, then it’s time to rest.
Libra (September 23 to October 22): This is a month of action. Take in lessons that teach you compassion and love. Release your gifts and skills with the world. Share your thoughts and emotions with your trusted comrades. Party on and take time to enjoy hedonism. These moments will spark joy and rage across the spectrum. Lastly, work through your fears and honor your warrior spirit.
Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): Whatever questions you have for universe will be answered quite shortly. Communication is important when navigating a journey of the unknown. Connecting with other people in your life, especially connecting with Spirit. Past trauma is one of the main factors of learning what will come to you this month. Therefore, it is more productive to focus on the present and let answers approach you as they please.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): There is growth coming up within the era of depression. Reach out to those are your kindred spirits. Honor the affection and love that you express with them. Don’t take friendships for granted. Somewhere within your psyche, there is something bothering you that needs to be addressed. Take your time dissecting these issues and learn more about yourself. You care about your loved ones, so be present with them.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): Times are stressful as it is, and we need to recognize that. It is a beginning of gaining wisdom from your comrades and from elders that have lived through struggle. Step out of your comfort zone and take action. Be the change that you want to be for this world. Decolonize!
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): This month is a good time to work on your communication skills. There is hope that whatever issues arise, they will work out at the end. This is still an emotional time for you so honor your pace of growth. Either way, things will work out, especially after dealing with an era of Mercury Retrograde. You’re close to achieving your goals and dreams this month.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20): This will be a month of challenges coming your way. You are close to your goals yet there will be obstacles that you must overcome. Whatever issues will rise will be resolved soon enough. This is a sensitive time for all of us since we’re still recovering from the Mercury Retrograde on April. Explore what personal issues still need to be resolved. Dissect each part of your psyche. It will not be easy but it will be worth it.
Boudia Crow Lafleur is a diviner and artist of Michif and European ancestry who is based in the East Bay. They use they/them pronouns and don’t identify with the colonial gender binary. Their Sun is at Taurus, their Moon is at Taurus, and their Rising is at Cancer. If you’re interested in getting private divination sessions with them, message them on Instagram: @punkwitchdiviner or Facebook: Punk Witch Diviner.
Art by Simone and Talia Rotman.