Watch the Trailer:

Dogtown Redemption (Official Trailer) from Dogtown Redemption.
Street Spirit and Dogtown Redemption (a film about Oakland’s shopping cart recyclers) are shaking up the media landscape. PLEASE, seek out your local Street Spirit vendor and take advantage of this special opportunity to a receive a DVD of the movie and a special Dogtown issue of Street Spirit for $10.
Dogtown Redemption, a documentary film about Oakland’s shopping cart recyclers,
is partnering with Street Spirit, the East Bay’s homeless newspaper, to create an
innovative model for telling, selling and distributing stories from the community.
Throughout the month of June, DVDs of Dogtown Redemption will be available
from vendors with an issue of Street Spirit for $10.00. All proceeds go directly to the
vendors. The project is intended to make the life and work of the poor visible through
their own voices and media.
Shot over seven years, Dogtown Redemption, a film by Amir Soltani and Chihiro
Wimbush, takes us on a journey through a landscape of love and loss, devotion and
addiction, prejudice and poverty. The story of the three recyclers—Jason, Landon
and Hayok—provides a rare glimpse into the conflicts over race, class and space
shaping Oakland and other American cities.
Rahdi Taylor, Film Fund Director for the Sundance Film Institute Documentary said,
“The collaboration between Dogtown Redemption and Street Spirit strikes a landmark
strategy for bringing this timely film to the audience it was made for. In the process,
Street Spirit is extending its micro-economic opportunities for its sellers.”
Please buy a DVD from a Street Spirit vendor this month, for yourself or as a gift.