We are changing our names— 

From ‘poor’ people to ‘ordinary’ people 

And we’re starting a movement that involves all of us— 

ALL the ordinary people… 

The black, blue, beige, brown, pink, green, and purple people… 

The everyday people… 

Extraordinary people. 

Ordinary people have arrived. 

The time for ordinary people is now. 

Ordinary people meet, greet, and exhale. 

Ordinary people teach and serve. 

Ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things. 

Ordinary is ‘key’ to extraordinary. 

Today is a day of celebration— 

A day of commitment and dedication. 

It’s “Ordinary People’s Day.” 

Ordinary people make ‘ordinary’ extraordinary. 

Ordinary people make ‘ordinary’ praiseworthy. 

Ordinary people see and share. 


“In this world of ordinary people——I am glad there is you.” 

Jeannette DesBoine has been described as a Jeremiadist. (A jeremiad is a long literary work, usually in prose, but sometimes in verse, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals.) DesBoine does not dispute the designation. Books: amazon.com/author/jeannettedesboine. Chapbooks: jendes9@gmail.com