Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment and recreational purposes. The horoscopes listed down below are manifested through my skill of divination, which involves the use of my oracle cards. If these readings resonate with you, that is awesome. If they do not, that is fine as well. It is your journey. It is up to you to create the paths needed to survive this capitalist and colonialist world we all live in, and to be able to thrive in a new world created outside these systems of oppression. May the Empire Compost Into the Soil of Mother Earth. America is an Empire!

Aries (March 21 to April 19): This summer is going to be a fiery one for Aries! Either take your time to do your own thing or move forward into the flames. The summer of exploration is here! Believe in the impossible because it is something you are deeply passionate about this year. One message you will receive is to have compassion for the community around you, and especially to have compassion for yourself. Know that with your power of fiery love, you and your loved ones will be okay.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Just know that whatever the outcome of this month, it will always work out. Now is a time to be gentle with yourself and pause for a moment. Tear down the barriers you’ve created over the years and heal. Let yourself be vulnerable for once. Let your spirit be open to rest.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21): This month will keep gaining momentum in global struggles and the resistances. Seek guidance from your ancestors and know that there will be more questions than answers. Avoid burnout and keep your spirit alive. Be tender with your friends and loved ones. This is the beginning of your commitment to the struggle.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): This will be a month of abundance for you. There will also be some rocky and bumpy roads on your journey. There will be lessons about surviving and dismantling capitalist structures. This will also be a time of healing and rebirth. Remember that you are good enough. You are Earth’s precious child.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): This month will be a sensitive time for Leo. You will need guidance on ways to practice self-love. Many changes will come through that will inspire dashes of epiphany. Do not worry because these changes will become lessons on self-compassion. Lastly, when in doubt, surrender to the divine. Reach to your ancestors and to the Spirit when feelings of depression, despair, and grief pass through in your daily life.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): This month will be a time of celebration. It is a good time to get out there, meet new people, and get to know them a little better. Be ready for many new friendships and relationships to come through in your life. When in doubt, ask your besties for advice on connecting with other humans. Be brave and honor your maternal warrior spirit as you always do.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): This will be a time to balance spirituality with practicality. You need to free yourself from the lies of colonialism and imperialism. Awaken your spirit! Take care of your body! Seek wisdom from elders that have been in your shoes before. Lastly, as a reminder, there will be moments when you will feel lost in the fog and not know what to do. Know that you’ll always find a way back to the home where your ancestors felt free.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): You are close to achieving your goals and dreams for this year. There will be fiery obstacles coming your way this summer. When dealing with these challenges, it would be good to reflect on them and figure out where you need to go from here. Awaken your mind to many possibilities. Don’t limit your dreams and be real about the world we live in.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): Be there for your friends, be there for your loved ones, and be there for your community this month. Cry on each other’s shoulder. Embrace your courageous heart and fight for those in need. Practice compassion. Practice international solidarity. None of us can be free until we’re all free.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): Whatever you are wondering about, the answers will come through this month. These answers will come from the spirit world where your ancestors reside in the sky. This is where stars are born. Take pleasure in life as long as you can. Take in every moment. You’re doing your best. Lastly, embrace your creative spirit.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): Things will die out, and things will be reborn. Your current trial is part of the cycle of life. The difficult part of the cycle is ending now. After a moment of deep reflection, it will be the time to be present. Acknowledge that the world has been painful and will continue to be so. This will be a time of healing and grieving. What will you do with this grief now?

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): This month will be a time of healing and a time to take a break and rest your body. Use this moment to strengthen your intuition and to honor your tranquility. During this slumber, you will have questions for the Universe. Whenever you need guidance, take time to meditate and practice dream work.

Boudia Crow Lafleur is a diviner and artist of Michif and European ancestry who is based in the East Bay. They use they/them pronouns and don’t identify with the colonial gender binary. Their Sun is at Taurus, their Moon is at Taurus, and their Rising is at Cancer. If you’re interested in getting private divination sessions with them, message them on Instagram: @punkwitchdiviner or Facebook: Punk Witch Diviner.


Art by Simone and Talia Rotman.