Beyond Nuclear Weapons, Beyond Empire, Beyond Racism
At 7:00 a.m. on Good Friday, April 3, people concerned about the continuing development of nuclear weapons will gather at the corner of Vasco Road and Patterson Pass Road, outside Livermore Laboratory, for an interfaith prayer service followed by nonviolent acts of witness.
Our preacher will be Quaker David Hartsough, who met Dr. King during the Montgomery bus boycott in 1956 and who has been active in civil rights and the anti-nuclear movement since then.
From the corner we will walk to the gates of the Lab, pausing along the way to observe the Stations of the Cross where we will mourn the deaths of the people of color in our communities who have been killed by police and “security” forces. Some will block the gates, risking arrest.
A gathering of the community to share our work will follow at a nearby church. Light refreshments will be served.
The event is wheelchair accessible. Principal organizers are Ecumenical Peace Institute and Livermore Conversion Project. For more information visit www.epicalc.org or call 510-990-0374