[typography font=”Josefin Sans Std Light” size=”34″ size_format=”px”]Religious Leaders Speak Out Against the Sitting Ban Law[/typography]
[typography font=”Josefin Sans Std Light” size=”26″ size_format=”px”]6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16[/typography]
[typography font=”Josefin Sans Std Light” size=”26″ size_format=”px”]Berkeley Old City Hall[/typography]
[typography font=”Josefin Sans Std Light” size=”21″ size_format=”px”]2134 MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley[/typography]
[typography font=”Josefin Sans Std Light” size=”16″ size_format=”px”]between Center St. and Allston Way[/typography]
Members of the religious community with deep concerns about homelessness have developed a clergy letter opposing Berkeley Measure S, the “no sitting” law, on the November 6th ballot.
Religious leaders and young people will present the letter and list of signers on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m., Berkeley Old City Hall, 2134 MLK Jr. Way.
Young artists from Youth Spirit Artworks will join with religious leaders and build a youth center out of plywood, covered with youth art, representing the dream of a center for homeless youth in Berkeley! We will also demand that a homeless youth day-time program be immediately funded by the City.