The fight to save People’s Park persists

On March 8, People’s Park advocates organized a march and press conference outside the UC Berkeley Capital Strategies office to oppose the university’s plans to build student and affordable housing on top of the park. Here's what's been happening in the fight to save the park over the last few weeks.

What the UC doesn’t want you to know about People’s Park

People’s Park is a landmark. The university doesn’t like to mention it, but it became a city landmark in 1984 “for its historic and cultural importance to the City of Berkeley.” The landmark designation is not necessarily protective, but it’s worth noting in a community being trained to ignore its own significant moments in history.

A Modest Proposal for Building Community in People’s Park

After all of these years of police repression in People’s Park, is it not glaringly apparent that the City of Berkeley treats People’s Park like a pariah, and University of California officials would just as soon get out the tear gas and the truncheons?

UC Berkeley Officials Desecrate People’s Park

That University of California officials carried out their vandalism against People’s Park without once notifying any of the many volunteers who had worked on that project about their plans, although they themselves had required the volunteer activists to go by the letter of the book, was a rape.

UC Bulldozes Community Garden in People’s Park

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Bulldozers destroyed huge numbers of healthy plants and trees at People’s Park in Berkeley on December 18, carrying out the orders of University of California officials. The bulldozers destroyed all the plants and flowers that had been carefully tended for decades by volunteer gardeners, leaving behind stripped earth.

Another Anti-Homeless Ballot Measure? Really?

Berkeley’s business improvement districts continue to obsessively pursue anti-homeless measures in an attempt to cleanse the downtown sidewalks of homeless people. Yet the last thing Berkeley’s small businesses need is another highly politicized and self-destructive campaign about how terrible it is to shop in Berkeley.