Donate online

Individual donations make it possible for us to produce reliable journalism about the crisis of homelessness and give you art, essays, and poetry by the people who experience it first-hand.

Independent Arts and Media (IAM) is the non-profit fiscal sponsor of Street Spirit (EIN: 94-3355076). All donations made to IAM on our behalf will support our work. You can send us tax-deductible donations through IAM online here: 

Send a check

Checks should be made payable to “Independent Arts and Media.” Just make sure to write Street Spirit on the memo line!

P.O. Box 420442
San Francisco, CA 94142

Donate clothing and hygiene supplies

Help us keep our office and drop-in center stocked for the countless unhoused people who come through each week. Right now we’re looking for winter clothes and outdoor wear to keep folks warm in the coming months. We would love to distribute to your old clothes to folks who need them!

Please wash used items before bringing them in, and consider patching up badly damaged items before donating.

Here’s what we need the most:

  • Shoes and boots!!
  • Jackets!!
  • Socks!! (NEW)
  • Sweatshirts and sweaters!
  • Hoodies and zip-up layers!
  • Underwear
  • Sweatpants
  • Jeans
  • Long-sleeve shirts
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrushes
  • Lotion
  • Body wash
  • Shampoo / conditioner
  • Face wipes
  • Face wash
  • “Hot Hands” hand warmers
  • Flash lights and headlamps
  • Sleeping bags
  • Sleeping pads
  • Tents
  • Laptops
  • Cameras
  • Power banks

Last updated: 11/7/2024

We only accept new socks and underwear simply because many people are not comfortable wearing used socks and underwear. If you have questions or want to get in touch before bringing your stuff in, get in touch: or (510) 982-6875‬).

We’re open Monday-Thursday, 10:00am-5:00pm.
