Disclaimer: this is only for entertainment and recreational purposes. The horoscopes listed down below are manifested through my skill of divination, which involves the use of my oracle cards. If these readings resonate with you, that is awesome. If they do not, that is fine as well. It is your journey. It is up to you to create the paths needed to survive this capitalist and colonialist world we all live in, and to be able to thrive in a new world created outside these systems of oppression. Create a world where all of our gifts and skills are embraced.

Illustration of a ram's head with curled horns for the zodiac sign Aires. The picture is framed in a small circle.

Aries (March 21 to April 19): A new start is on its way this month, a wave of new moon energy. Quit old habits that no longer benefit you. Embrace new habits that honor and embody your spirit. The past is the past, live in the present and move forward with your life. Keep in mind that building and maintaining trust is important for future relationships. 

Illustration of a bull with horns for the zodiac sign Taurus. He image is framed in a circle.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): This is a good time to remain grounded with the earth, to be tender and vulnerable. Move your body and move your spirit, explore new ways of being. Welcome community into your life, but don’t let anyone scavenge your precious energy. With patience and curiosity, there will be success and triumph in the end.

Illustration of two people in profile who are facing each other. This is a symbol for the zodiac sigh Gemini.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21): Work through your fears and release your emotions into the universe. This month will be a sensitive and intuitive time for you, let your vulnerability be a guiding light. Keep in mind that communication is the key to connection right now. Lastly, make space to honor yourself and your accomplishments, all that hard work is paying off.

Illustration of a crab. This is a symbol for the zodiac sign Cancer.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): There will be an end to a tough cycle this month. Let go of perfectionism and focus on your growth. When in doubt, ask your ancestors for guidance. Be wary of power structures. Empower yourself to be part of the change that you want to be. At first, this will be difficult but by the end of the month, it will all smooth out. Cleanse yourself and surrender to the divine. Focus on spiritual abundance.

An illustration of a lion. We can only see his head and face because he is in a small circle frame. This is a symbol for the Leo sign, which is the zodiac sign for the first twenty-two days of August.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): This is a very distressing time for all of us. Keep this close to your heart. Be courageous, create balance, and find new ways to protect yourself and your loved ones. Practice mutual aid and community care. Do the work to further decolonize your spirit. Mother Earth needs you.

Illustration of a "maiden," which traditionally suggested a "virgin." (It's a little dated, yes.) This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Virgo.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): This is an important time to reflect on the mental processes of everyday life. Sit with your traumas, explore how they show up in the present. Ask, “what do I feel in my body, in my mind, in my spirit?” Don’t be fooled by the body’s impulse to respond destructively, much of this anxiety grows from the wounds of settler colonialism. Do not let the colonizer speak for you, give yourself the freedom to explore your authentic self.

Illustration of two near-evenly weighted scales. This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Libra.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Take time this month to reflect and meditate on the past year of your life. Your ancestral spirit is particularly strong right now, trust the intuition held deep within your soul. Remember to breathe, use all your senses. Celebrate and honor your beauty. Welcome more compassion and empathy into your routine, both for yourself and others. Think about what will bring you joy moving forward, but more importantly, in this moment. Balance will find its way.

Illustration of a scorpion, which is the symbol for the zodiac sign for Scorpio.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): This is a trying time. Expect things to get more intense before they get better. But keep going, don’t give up. Practice self-care whenever you can, listen to your feelings. Take the time to remember who you are at the core. You know yourself better than anyone else. When in doubt, know your ancestors are right by your side. They are here to offer you protection.

Illustration of a centaur who is turning back to aim their bow and arrow at a target (presumably) behind them. This is the symbol for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): This month is a good time to work on your communication skills. Maintaining and nurturing friendships is of the utmost importance right now. Practice patience in your relationships, but also offer yourself grace. Always remember, you deserve to be loved. Love is infinite and everlasting, and takes on many forms.

Illustration of a goat with epically long horns and a fish tail. This is the "sea goat," symbol for the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): Opportunities for healing are coming your way, be sure to take care of yourself. Make the time to nurture your spirit and be tender with your body. Honor your emotions. There are many paths in front of you, walk more than one. The journey of becoming your full self is not linear. Think about the people in your life that help you become a better person, embrace them.

Illustration of water pouring out. This is a translation of the "water bearer," the traditional symbol for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): Face your fears this month, move forward with courage. Honor the feral inside of you. Set aside time to try new things, and remain open to learning from the unexpected. You are part of Creation, a true badass, so let the unknown guide you. But don’t overburden your vessel. Be sure to check in with yourself, take breaks, don’t forget to breathe.

Illustration of two fish circling each other and swimming in opposite directions. Fish are the symbol for the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Search inward this month, get to know yourself. Embrace the parts of you that are easily repressed and focus on nurturing those wounds. As you continue to grow into your unique self, abundance will find its way into your life. But take your time on this journey, evolution is meant to happen slowly. Lastly, new relationships and friendships may be on the horizon. Pay attention to swells of interpersonal growth.

Boudia Crow Lafleur is a diviner and artist of Michif and European ancestry who is based in the East Bay. They use they/them pronouns and don’t identify with the colonial gender binary. Their Sun is at Taurus, their Moon is at Taurus, and their Rising is at Cancer. If you’re interested in getting private divination sessions with them, message them on Instagram: @punkwitchdiviner or Facebook: Punk Witch Diviner.


Art by Simone and Talia Rotman.