Disclaimer: this is only for entertainment and recreational purposes. The horoscopes listed down below are manifested through my skill of divination, which involves the use of my oracle cards. If these readings resonate with you, that is awesome. If they do not, that is fine as well. It is your journey. It is up to you to create the paths needed to survive this capitalist and colonialist world we all live in, and to be able to thrive in a new world created outside these systems of oppression. Create a world where all of our gifts and skills are embraced. This Autumn begins with the Fall of the Empire!

Aries (March 21 to April 19): Patience is a virtue. Soon enough, you’ll find answers to the deepest questions about your life. Let your mind wander through this world. There are trauma wounds that need to be healed. Be confident about your true sense of self. Be fierce like a lion. Release any energy that serves no purpose anymore. Be wary of the people around you, there will be moments where betrayal is prominent. Be with those who understand you. Know that things will get better over time. Cut off any friendships and relationships that don’t heal your spirit.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): This is the month to explore your sense of freedom, to imagine a world without any colonial borders whatsoever. You’ll soon go through a transformation of the spirit. The world will transform around you. You’ll get clarity on the unknowns that wander in your mind. You will go through a period of being disillusioned about the capitalist lies that have been taught to you since birth. Be cautious of who you look up to as role models. They might talk the talk, but do they walk the walk?

Gemini (May 21 to June 21): It is important to adapt to your surroundings as things change for the better. Answers will be coming your way shortly. Be there for your friends and loved ones during this month. Growth and change are necessary for your spirit. Devote your time to working on relationships with your fellow humans. Lastly, there will be times where you’ll feel stuck and unsure about life. Be the change that you want to be.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): This month is an important time to examine who you need space from and who is worth putting more time and energy towards. Work hard to maintain connections with other people, but recognize that not everyone is go- ing to be in your life forever. Friends and loved ones come and go, that’s just part of life. Look back and appreciate the lessons you have been taught about friendship. It is time to heal now.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Practice compassion towards other people as well as yourself. Be a role model that the community deserves to see. Practice forms of compassion such as feeding people, housing people, and providing moral support for those in need. There is still hope to change this world for the better. Celebrate your life and honor the strengths and vulnerabilities of your loved ones.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Face your vulnerabilities and insecurities this month. Build your confidence as a way of living as your authentic self. Practice mutual aid and community care. It is important to be there for your friends and loved ones. This month is all about healing. Lastly, it’s best to honor your pace and be patient about your self-growth.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): This is the end of a journey where you need to welcome softness and gentleness into your life again. Acknowledge that survival under capitalism and colonialism is exhausting. Commend yourself for just doing your best and being you. Self-care is inherently radical. Take the time to create beautiful art and wondrous music. Take the time to reflect and practice meditation. There will be moments of ego death. Lastly, look at the bigger picture, as this is all interconnected.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): There will be moments where you’ll feel lost in this world, and are in need of more depth and substance in your life. Know that your friends and loved ones will be there for you, even through the toughest of times. Devote your life to honoring your strengths and talents. Devote your life to honoring your pace. Lastly, you are fearless. Don’t forget that.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): You are called to look into the past and history of your peoples. The history of how this world came to be. Preserve memory and knowledge for the next generation. Do what you can to find serenity and relaxation during this month. Use that time to connect with your ancestors. Commit yourself to learning more about boundaries and your own limitations. Honor your intuition.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): This is a good month to build your relationship and communication skills. Take the time to learn more about de-escalating situations. Go with the flow and know that not everything is going to be perfect each time. Hold on to your vision and follow your dreams. Create a vision board to organize those thoughts and create reminders through post-it notes and alarms. This is the best way to get things done.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18): Awaken your heart and spirit—right now! It’s time to break out of your shell and take action. This month will possess an intense and powerful energy. Reach out to elders and other community members for wisdom. There is hope for the next generation to thrive. Lastly, don’t let arrogance get in your way.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): This is a time for change and rebirth. Welcome tranquility into your life. Take the time to reflect on your dreams and start working on them. There needs to be balance within your life. Check in with your friends and loved ones. Lastly, things will get more intense before they chill out.
Boudia Crow Lafleur is a diviner and artist of Michif and European ancestry who is based in the East Bay. They use they/them pronouns and don’t identify with the colonial gender binary. Their Sun is at Taurus, their Moon is at Taurus, and their Rising is at Cancer. If you’re interested in getting private divination sessions with them, message them on Instagram: @punkwitchdiviner or Facebook: Punk Witch Diviner.
Art by Simone and Talia Rotman.