Homefulness is a community launched by Dee and Tiny Garcia. Homefulness is a safe place for people of color that could join us in the movement to free Mama Earth along with all of our Po Uncles, Aunties, Grandmas and Grandpas. I study at Deecolonize Academy – a school at Homefulness in East Oakland.
Homefulness is a place that helps our fellow houseless relatives on the streets. We give out food to see their smiles. They also have their own radio show led by youth skolaz and adult skolaz. Also we support our people in the streets.
Homefulness is not just a place, it’s much more than a place – it’s like heaven. We save lives during this pandemic, we always help our community and never stop, always help the poor. Homefulness is a place where you can feel safe.
Homefulness is different from the other schools. It is led by our community from the streets. They are also teach- ing the young ones how to take care of the elders in our community. Homefulness teaches so many things that are different from the regular schools.
Homefulness is a special space for all of us and this community fights the cruel injustice on our people. We are not a fake organization. We are the real deal, and we are always showing up and supporting anyone who needs our help.
Amir is a student of POOR Magazine’s Decolonize Academy.