Resources and community events in the Bay Area, all free unless otherwise specified. Scroll the bottom for recurring resources, such as meals, clinics, and mutual aid pop-ups. Submit your event online here.
New Years Day 2023 World Naked Bike Ride and Polar Plunge
World Naked Bike Ride SF
On New Years Day we will have a World Naked Bike Ride. If it isn’t raining, then we’ll ride down to the Lincoln end of the Great Highway and back to Taraval. Then we will go down onto Ocean Beach to participate in a Polar Plunge. If the weather is good, we’ll stay around afterwards for our beach party. If it is raining, we’ll plunge and we’re done. As always, nudity is optional.
Meet on the Great Highway at the Taraval Street crossing
10:30 AM-ish
Solidarity Rally For CNA Striking Sutter Nurses
CNA Alta Bates Nurses
Come to a rally at Alta Bates Hospital. Nurses are fed up with poor staffing. Nurses are on strike for nurse retention, pensions, and a decent contract. Like the railroad workers, UC academic workers, members of the ILWU, Sutter management has tried to isolate East Bay nurses by signing inferior contracts at other smaller California Sutter facilities. The nurses at our local hospitals voted No to the inferior offer and Yes to striking. Join us at the rally!
Sutter Alta Bates Hospital: 2450 Ashby St., Berkeley
10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Packing days
West Oakland Punks With Lunch
Help pack cottons, make pipe kits, roll Brillo, make mask kits, etc. Come join us every Tuesday. No orientation necessary!
1924 Union St., Oakland
5:00 PM
Weekly prep
West Oakland Punks With Lunch
Interested in volunteering with us? Come by any Sunday and help us get set up for outreach, no experience or notice required. Prep takes place indoors, masks are required. Our capacity limit is 10 people per shift, so come early!
1924 Union Street, Oakland
Slingshot new volunteer meeting / article brainstorm for issue #137
Slingshot Collective
Kick-off meeting to create Slingshot issue #137. Slingshot is an independent radical newspaper published in Berkeley since 1988. At our meeting, brainstorm articles for next issue, join our discussion forum for your article ideas, learn how to submit articles, art, photographs, and more. Everyone is welcome. This is an in-person meeting. Masks are optional.
Long Haul infoshop: 3124 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
TO THE END – Film Screening
Bay Area Sunrise
Free movie and popcorn! Watch the emergence of a new generation of leaders and the movement behind the most sweeping climate change legislation in US History. Free if you register online. $5 at the door. Register on Eventbrite here.
The New Parkway Theater : 474 24th St., Oakland
6:00-9:30 PM
Wood Street eviction defense
Wood Street Commons & Love and Justice in the Streets
The City of Oakland has scheduled the eviction of the Wood Street Commons for January 9-20. The Wood Street Commons is one part of the greater encampment community. It acts as a vital resource hub and pillar of community for the area. This would be devastating for the unhoused communities along Wood Street and around West Oakland. Help provide eviction defense during these days.
1701 Wood Street, Oakland
For details, sign up for text message alerts by texting “wood” to (205) 354-6992
and follow Love and Justice on Instagram: @loveandjusticeinthestreets
JAN 13-16
Save the date: 9th Annual Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy Weekend
Anti Police Terror Project (APTP)
Join us for a weekend of teach-ins, trainings, film screenings, healing justice workshops, and action in King’s honor as we get ready for a year of solidarity, community and liberation. Every year at this time we recommit ourselves to the path of revolution and liberation laid out for us by Dr. King and the long lineage of Black freedom fighters who came before us. Not the white-washed, sanitized version of King that the US capitalist state has co-opted and sold back to us, but rather the radical, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist revolutionary who called for an all-out war against poverty.
Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the event.
APTP will post updates on Instagram: @ antipoliceterrorproject
2023 MLK Day on the Richmond Greenway
Urban Tilth and City of Richmond
The Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service is a defining moment each year when Americans across the country step up to make communities more equitable and take action to create the beloved community of Dr. King’s dream. While Dr. King believed the beloved community was possible, he acknowledged and fought for systemic change. His example is our call to action. Stop by to take action with us and honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to serve others by working in the community and improving the Richmond Greenway Trail.
The event will begin at 33rd street and Ohio avenue and move around the city. Sign up online or email greenway@ urbantilth.orgfor more info.
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Intro to the 5 methods webinar
Community Ready Corps Allies & Accomplices (CRCAA)
Community Ready Corps has refined and further clarified the 5 Methods Principles and CRCAA is ready to share them with y’all! Join us for an updated Intro to the 5 Methods webinar to learn how to effectively fight against the persistent re-establishment of white supremacy. Even if you’ve attended an Intro to the 5 Methods webinar in the past, this event is not to be missed!
This event will take place on Zoom. Register online here.
Living fully with HIV
Pacific Center
A free 9-week process group for adults living with HIV. We will discuss topics ranging from “Shame and Stigma” to “Intersectionality.” This group is free for folks living with HIV in Alameda County and who are eligible for Ryan White Services. All Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPOC) are strongly encouraged to apply. The course will take place on Zoom from January 19-March 14.
Apply online here
Tuesdays 2:30 – 4:00 PM PST
Thursday Night Panther Prowl
Panther Skate Plaza
We host a free, family-friendly event every Thursday night at the DeFremery Park basketball courts. It’s an official Oakland Parks & Rec program where the community comes together to skate in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment. There is a rotation of live DJs from the community providing the music and snacks and drinks are provided by members of the community to share with all at no cost.
DeFremery Park: 1651 Adeline Street, Oakland
Counter Protest! Say no to the Catholic Led “Walk for Life”
Mobilization for Reproductive Justice
The National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice is still organizing and fighting for bodily autonomy for all, in spite of the overturn of Roe. Our Saturday January 21 event will be a rally and counterprotest against The Walk for Life West Coast. This is the 19th annual Catholic church led anti-abortion march on the anniversary of Roe. Please join us for a united action that includes everyone who is deeply concerned about the far right’s agenda. We especially need people to help take on the tasks of organizing a united effort!
Philip Burton Federal Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco
11:30 AM-1:30 PM
General Clinic
The Suitcase Clinic
Warm meals, health & hygiene supplies, haircuts, footwashing, massage, podiatry, housing resources
First Presbyterian Church Courtyard (2407 Dana St., Berkeley, CA)
Tuesdays @ 6:30 – 8PM
Street Medicine Team
Berkeley Free Clinic
HIV and Hep C rapid testing, other STI testing, flu vaccinations, harm reduction, wound care
Berkeley Free Clinic (2339 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA)
Wednesdays @ 7 – 9 PM
Syringe Service and Harm Reduction
Berkeley NEED
Location #1: Across from Berkeley Free Clinic (2339 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA) on Sundays at 6 – 8 PM
Location #2: University & 9th, Berkeley, CA on Thursdays at 6 – 8 PM
Curbside Care Clinic
West Oakland Punks With Lunch
Rain, Shine, Covid-19, or Smoke, we will always be there. Grab some food, narcan, syringes, hygiene (basic & menstrual), dog food, masks, and hand sanitizer!
Fixed location #1: 5th and Filbert @ West Oakland BART on Thursdays at 6-8PM
Fixed location #2: 35th and Peralta every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 3:30-5:30 PM
Women & Childrens Clinic
The Suitcase Clinic
Warm meals, childcare, health & hygiene supplies, haircuts, footwashing, nail painting, housing resources
LIFE Adventist Church (2236 Parker St., Berkeley, CA)
Mondays at 6 – 9 PM
Youth & LGBTQ+ (YQT+) Clinic
The Suitcase Clinic
Warm meals, health & hygiene supplies, massage, needle exchange, recreation, counseling, housing resources
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (2300 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA)
Mondays at 6 – 9 PM
Sliding Scale Cafe
POOR Magazine
Radical redistribution of fresh foods, healthy meals, supplies, and resources to our community, rain or shine
8032 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
Thursdays 12-1PM
Free Food and Supply Distribution
East Oakland Collective
Come get free produce, dry goods, and catered meals from our food distro team. First come first served.
7800 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11AM-1PM