May Poetry of the Streets

Veterans may return home with medals for valor, but if they become homeless, they’re shunned by the same society that sent them to war. “Too many street sleepers, doubly wounded, earned the nation's Purple Heart, even the Bronze Star. Now they don't have a home, a job or a car.”

My Dream Is for All Animals to Have Rights

Animals are awesome. Animal rights groups believe “that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.” This is why we should help animals and give them a voice. I hope you agree. All we need to do is start.

Global Day Against Militarism: Move the Money Home!

“More than 17,000 nuclear weapons, most held by the U.S. and Russia, continue to pose an intolerable threat to humanity. Our government should be working in good faith to eliminate all nuclear arms, not stealing more of our tax dollars to modernize these weapons of mass destruction.” — Jackie Cabasso

Good Samaritan at Work on the Streets of Berkeley

It is an understatement to say that Night on the Streets has made a difference in Berkeley. JC Orton has actually created services for the homeless when they did not exist. He started out distributing food, then began visiting the sick, helping people find housing, and even helping with income taxes.

The Street Spirit Interview with Kathy Kelly

“The people that threaten us are in the corporations and the well-appointed salons, and they really threaten us. They make alcohol, firearms and tobacco, and arms for the military. They steal from us, and they rob us. And who goes to jail? A woman who can’t get an economic stake in her community.”